Event Support Group is a 501(C)3 charitable organization that helps provide communications and support vehicle assistance to events in the Greater Cleveland Area that have requested assistance from amateur radio operators. We are also able to respond to requests for government agencies for help with events, drills, or actual emergencies where additional communications would be helpful. We specialize in coordinating communications support, SAG vehicle support, and emergency communications during incidents and disasters. All services offered are always free of charge, however donations are accepted and, in many cases, will be tax deductible.

All amateur radio operators who are interested in working special events are encouraged to join our mailing list and check our calendar. The calendar will be kept up to date with a list of events which include any registration links or contact info you need to volunteer.

Each event has a designated person in charge of it. While some of these events will have ESG as the primary coordination contact,  we are also happy to just act as a clearing house for all amateur operators who are interested in getting involved without the hassle of joining groups, attending meetings, checking into nets, or completing tedious online training sessions. While we do encourage members to do all these things, and provide much information on this page with links to these activities, amateur operators should not feel obligated to participate in them. All operators that are interested in volunteering at events are also encouraged to join their local Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) group for additional volunteer opportunities and training. Event Support Group is associated with the ARES program within Cuyahoga County. However, ESG is an independent organization that does not operate under the control of ARES or the ARRL.

Most of our volunteers have completed a vast array of ICS NIMS courses including several COMT and COML.

Anyone who is coordinating amateur radio communications for an event is welcome to have their event posted here along with any registration information. We will then also forward your information to our email list of amateur radio operators who have expressed an interest in volunteering their time, expertise, and equipment.

The Event Support Group focuses on events where amateur radio operators are providing services which include but are not limited to:

  • Support And Gear (SAG) vehicle support
  • Shadowing event organizers for communications purposes
  • Staffing water stops for communications purposes
  • General communications and situational awareness
  • Emergency communications during infrastructure failures

Are you running a charitable event and want amateur radio support? If so, please contact us today! We can help!

There are many events in the Cleveland area that amateur radio operators participate in. Some examples include:

During 2024, Event Support Group deployed resources to 25 special events. These assistance requests came from charitable organizations, community sporting events, and government agencies. We supplied approximately 245 volunteers to these events who worked just over 5,400 hours!