NVIS Day/NWS Communications Exercise
We will be operating NVIS day in conjunction with a communications exercise at NWS Cleveland from 10a-1p. If you would like to attend, please sign up here. https://forms.office.com/r/WTZ8Q5eaJS
Bike to the Bay SAG Support
This event is looking for SAG drivers and co-pilots. Please contact the lead for this event, David Michl KE8ANJ directly to volunteer.
Sunday in June Bike Ride
Matt Welch will be coordinating the SAG team at this all day bike ride around Geauga County. To volunteer as a SAG driver or co-pilot, please contact Matt at [email protected]
Field Day
Don’t forget to reach out to a local club to participate in Field Day! Sites can be found here: https://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator
MS-150 Pedal to the Point
Reach out to Jeff Garvas N8YNR to volunteer as a SAG driver or co-pilot. An event sign up will be provided later.